Tadawi General HospitalTadawi General Hospital provides medical service to all patients, whether cash patients or medical insured people under umbrella of co-operative health insurance , and for those whose their company contracted directly with the hospital.

Type of Contracts:
1- Direct Contracts:
direct agreements between the hospital and the company or the establishment, these contracts organize procedures of patient transfer and the conditions and limits of provided medical services in addition to the hospital’s financial claims, where such medical claims sent within the first week of the next month in which medical services has been provided. According to this agreement, the hospital offers discounts on financial claims.
2- Insurance Companies Contract:
This agreement entered by the hospital and the insurance company, through this type of agreement the hospital provides the medical services for insured people who have valid medical insurance cards issued by the said companies. By virtue of this agreement, the insurance company pays all medical costs except the tolerance fee, which paid by the patient as agreed upon by the insured and the insurance company.
3- Contracts of Dispensaries and Polyclinics :
An agreement by which the required medical services will be provided to referral patients of private medical clinics or polyclinics , such service will be provided as follows:- A – Doctors of Dispensaries and private use the hospital OR to perform surgical operations and the hospital provides the other services e,g medicines , X-ray , medical check ups and in house services. B- The patient will be referred from the clinic to the hospital where all medical services including surgical operations, medicines and x-ray and lab- examinations will be provided the hospital and the financial claim will be sent to the referral clinic or charge the cost to the patient directly.

Our Vision
We are looking forward to provide
Unique and exceptional health care for the patients
Support medical staff with best practitioners and consultants
High level of training for Saudi trainees
Provide appropriate and exciting scientific research environment
Striving to ensure smooth work running and harmonize work between hospital’s deptt
to provide better medical services
Adopt open door policy for in and out patients and their families
Provide assistance for poor people and those who stand in need
Maximize Saudization average in all specialties

Our marketing division negotiates and co-ordinate all types of agreements, for further information you can dial +9663 834 8777 Ext 266 or use fax No. +9663 8347817 or through e.mail : mk@tadawi.com.sa.

Bareed Dist., Dammam City
P.O.Box : 3823 , Postal Code: 31481
Tel : 03 8348777

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