The Abu Dhabi Corniche Hospital

The present Corniche Hospital opened to patients in September, 1984. The hospital was designed for the treatment of Obstetrics and Gynaecology patients, as well as neonates needing special care immediately after birth.The hospital is sponsored and funded by the Abu Dhabi Government and is managed by the Allied Medical Bahrain company. The Corniche hospital is not a teaching hospital but it is recognized by the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists, UK for training for the MRCOG. There is an active In Service Education Program, which includes such events as:


Monthly Statistics meetings

Maternal Morbidity meetings

Infant Morbidity meetings

Journal club meetings

Unit tutorials

Post graduate lectures and tutorials twice weekly.

Regular visits are made by:

· Professor Gordon Stirrat, Professor and Consultant Obstetrician, Bristol Maternity Hospital.

· Dr Harith Lamki, Director of postgraduate studies at the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecologists.

· Professor W Boeckx, Consultant Micro Surgeon, Leuvan University, Brussels.

· Professor Jacques Hamou, Consultant Hysteroscopist, Paris France.

· Other eminent international Obstetricians and Gynaecologists also visit

· Lectures are also given in all the other fields of all disciplines represented at the hospital.


10 Obstetrics posts are recognized for 12 months
2 combined Obstetric and Gynaecology posts are recognized for 12 months
6 months in Ultrasound Department are recognized for 1/12 elective training.


The Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department consists of:

1. 6 Consultants – All of whom have their fellowship or membership

2. 6 Senior Registrars – 5 of whom have their membership

3. 8 Registrars – 4 have their membership, ( 1 has MRCOG Part 1)

4. 18 RMOs – 7 have MRCOG (Part 1) The majority of RMOs if not already members of the college, are currently working towards MRCOG (Part1) and most hold diplomas in Obstetrics.

The head of the 12 strong Paediatric department is a MRCP (UK) holder

The Anaesthetic department has 8 members of staff, 3 of whom are Fellows of Faculty of Aneasthetists.

The Nursing department has the largest number of staff totaling 294 and is headed by the Matron. The Senior Sister heads each ward in the hospital, 50% are of western origin or training.

The Hotel Services department includes laundry, catering, supplies, works, domestic services, portering, transport, housing, CSSD and switchboard. These departments support the Medical and Nursing functions to ensure that the best possible care is given the patients.

The Administration, Personnel and Finance departments deal with hospital policies, procedures, payroll, visa applications etc.

Total staff complement is over 750.


World-Class Medical Services
The hospital has a total of 188 beds, split into 156 Obstetrics and 32 Gynaecology beds. There are six wards of single and twin bedded rooms, 6 VIP suites, 1 Royal suite, a 30 cot special care baby unit and a 17 room delivery suite. In addition, there are 3 operating theaters adjacent to the delivery suites and special baby care unit.

The Special Care Baby unit is a busy unit with a high occupancy rate, (normally nearly 100% occupied). The equipment is modern and an ongoing capital equipment program helps to keep up standards.

The hospital has a defined policy for achieving and maintaining agreed levels of quality of service in line with ISO 9001 and hospital policies and procedures are formulated accordingly.

The hospital has full Laboratory facilities and participates in International Quality Assurance Programs. In the past, the biochemistry department has been first in the Quality Assurance Program organized by Wellcome.

The X Ray department is equipped to undertake the full range of investigations required in Obstetric and Gynaecology cases together with Ultrasound. The recent addition of a Doppler Ultrasound Machine allows blood flow studies etc, to be made.

The 2 chair Dental Department is responsible for dental care to patients and hospital staff.

The Physiotherapy department provides an In and Out patient service for Ante/Post Natal and Gynaecological patients. The service includes babies and treatments for a Multi-National staff. There is a thriving Health Education program for mothers which is shared with the Parent Craft Department.

The 24 hour Emergency clinic deals with Gynaecological and Obstetrics problems. It is also equipped with its own delivery suite where emergency deliveries are carried out. An emergency team is on stand by for home deliveries.

Monthly deliveries run at between 650-800 at present. It was high prior to the Gulf crisis and is in the process of recovering to its peak figure of 9,000 deliveries per annum. The patient catchment area is the city of Abu Dhabi and surrounding area with a population of about 500,000.


1. Please refer to contract of employment for details.

2. Contracts are initially for one year, with an option (either way by mutual agreement) to sign an unlimited contract.

3. Leave flight allowances are given once a year on an unlimited contract for each further 12 months worked.

4. Arrangements for families – would depend on whether a married (medical staff only) or single status contract was offered.

5. Education allowance is currently DHS 700 per month per child (up to 2 children from 5 years to 18th birthday). This is only available to higher grades on a married status contract.

6. Free furnished single/married (medical staff only) accomodation is in 2/3/4 bedroom flats near to the hospital. Daily transport to and from the hospital is provided.

7. Utilities (except international phone calls) are free. All local calls are free.

8. Electrical voltage is 220/240 volt 50 Hz. UK standard 3 pin plugs are widely used.

9. Gratuities are payable directly in line with Article 137 of the UAE labour law.

10. The hospital has a thriving social club on the hospital site, which has a private beach, mature gardens,BBQ area and a bar serving food and beverages.


Abu Dhabi is a busy cosmopolitan city with a wide range of shops, restaurants and other entertainment facilities. Prices for consumer goods are competitive and casual clothes are cheap and easy to obtain. More formal wear is inclined to be no cheaper than it is in London.

Sports enthusiasts are well catered for with water sports the most popular activity.The airport is efficient with good international connections to Europe, America, Australasia and the Far East. The airport is half an hour from the hospital.

The climate is dry and hot for most of the year. Winters by European standards are non existent. The temperatures throughout the year rarely fall below 79 F by day and in the summer rarely falls below 85F by day or night with highs up to 100F. Rainfall is low and normally occurs between January and March.

Phone :02-6724900
Al Salam Street, Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi , UAE