Biomed Middle East

French biotech companies seek UK partners

7th October 2009: The South of France Trade Commission, the London Branch of Maison de la Région Languedoc-Roussillon, with support from the London Technology Network, is holding BIOMED-Connect, a business convention, on Monday October 11th from 2.00pm to 9.00pm open to all companies in the medical technology sector. Venue: Maison de la Region Languedoc-Roussillon, 6 Cavendish Square W1G 0PD, London.

A delegation of French companies specialising in medical diagnostics, wireless technology, assistive robots, and medical imaging will take part in the convention.

UK medical diagnostics and medical equipment companies who wish to meet their industry colleagues and build new relationships, including for EU-funded 7th framework projects, are invited to come along to this free event.

This day-long event is an ideal opportunity for industry professionals to meet and discover other French and European experts in the medical diagnostics and medical equipment field with the opportunity for formal and information meeting, to inspire new business.

The EuroMeDiag workgroup will be spotlighted at this event. EuroMeDiag was launched by companies in the medical diagnostics sector in the Languedoc-Roussillon area in the south of France to promote the sector, and is now part of the Eurobiomed competitiveness cluster on human health.

This inter-regional group with European ambitions includes both public and private sector players in the medical diagnostics field. Its role is to unite the companies, public-sector research laboratories and institutional entities involved with the biological diagnostics sector as related to medical applications.

Delegate companies

BIO RAD: Manufactures and distributes a broad range of products for the life science research and clinical diagnostic markets.

CISBIO: In vitro diagnostic biological biomarkers.

CNRS: Diagnostic: detection of mutation an theranostics.

Protéus: engineering and manufacturing of proteins of industrial interest: healthcare, fine and specialty chemicals, environment and bioenergy.

Region Langedoc-Roussillon: Development of partnerships with research centres, universities and industries in applied biotechnology.

Skuldtech: genomic biomarkers for diagnostic/ drug development.

SYSDIAG: diagnostic systems and synthetic biology, Biosensing, biomarkers, colorectal cancer, renal disease, cardiovascular disease.

Genepep: therapeutic peptides, bioinformatics.

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