The KIMS Bahrain Medical Center WLL (KBMC) is the first GCC franchisee of Kerala Institute Of Medical Sciences, India. KBMC provides quality outpatient, diagnostic and personal primary care to the population of Bahrain. In addition, our integration with the community, association and insurance companies gives the population in all sectors direct access to our services and specialist treatment.
“Our vision is to Provide Quality Health Care at Affordable Cost guided by our values of care with courtesy, compassion and competence.”
We are Committed to providing the highest quality standards of service, we continually improve the quality of our healthcare by being patient/customer-centered and providing regular and relevant continual medical and non-medical education for our dedicated staff. Our Vision and Mission is in alignment with the Bahrain MOH Vision and Mission.
KBMC is the First Medical Center in GCC to be accredited by ACHSI
Our Vision
Provide Quality Health Care at Affordable Cost.
Our Mission
To improve health and reduce illness through patient-centered quality medical center care that is:
Affordable, accessible, boundless, comprehensive and appropriate in an environment of continuous learning and improvement.
Our Values
We treat everyone with politeness, honesty, decency and fairness and respect and show consideration for others.
Our prime concern is the well-being and health of our community in general and fellow human beings in special. We sympathise with those suffering with illness and provide quality medical care to alleviate their condition.
We are committed to being able to provide the best medical care effectively and achieving the best possible result for our customers/patients. We are also committed to the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Logo Rationale
The KBMC logo depicts the vision and service values of our medical center.
The main image portrayed is that of a red cross which symbolizes the international organization that helps people who are suffering from war, floods or diseases. Embedded in the red cross is our institution of KBMC and the red cross holds the country name Bahrain which conceptually can be extended to the Bahraini community, moving forward to a bright future of health and happiness. This entire world of care emerges from a crescent, which is the most important symbol of Islamic Faith. The Red Crescent, a name adopted in 1906 at the insistence of the Ottoman Empire, is used in Muslim countries in place of Red Cross. Bahrain is an Islamic country and by incorporating Red Cross and red crescent, we endorse our vision of co-existence of various ideologies in healthcare industry. This at the same time endorses corporate branding, through the national colors and corporate colors of KBMC.
KIMS Bahrain Medical Center
Umm-Al-Hassam Avenue,
Near Copperchimney Restaurant, Road No.: 3709
P.O. Box 10494, Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Ph: +973 17 822123, Fax: +973 17 822127