Dubai, UAE – May 13, 2010: The application of technology in healthcare is nothing new. However, now, more than ever, it is a driver for change for patient care delivery. How healthcare professionals use technologies is going to be a significant differentiator between healthcare delivery organisations around the region and it will define world-class patient care in the 21st century.
The Healthcare Technology Applications conference being held from 2 – 3 of June 2010, during the Hospital Build Middle East Exhibition & Congress, will discuss the latest information on how to use technologies to lower healthcare delivery costs, improve efficiencies in hospitals, reduce medical errors and streamline the patient’s experience.
Speaking at the conference, Dr Rolf Ulrich Hartung, Associate Professor of Surgery at the Dubai Medical College, will explain how integrated technology applications such as ‘Patchless Controlled Technology (PCT)’ will enhance surgery management in the operating room (OR).
“PCT is a system that controls all technological equipment in the OR without touching it,” he explains. “The first of this kind of technology was the voice controlled technology such as the AEsop system and later on, the Hermes. The new PCT technology does not rely on voice but on movements of the hands and/or face and eyes. This seems to be much more reliable than the voice.”
Dr Hartung believes this technology can improve surgery in many ways. As well as improving control of all equipment necessary for surgery such as light source, electrocautery, air insufflators, irrigation pumps etc, it also reduces the workload of the nurses. He says it also gives the opportunity for perfect communication and documentation and the surgeon can review previous steps taken during the procedure and can even involve mentors without the need to leave the operation.
While the PTC technology currently only exists in prototype-form in Middle East, it will be made available soon. “In the Middle East the acceptance of new technology is extremely good. Dubai is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and acceptance and support of changes and rapid development are key characteristics of the region,” says Dr Hartung.
“Technology is advancing very fast and the development of new technology has made minimally invasive surgery possible. Surgeons strive to decrease the trauma of any operation to the minimum and therefore new technology is needed. It is also our aim to improve the safety and quality of care and this is specifically important for surgical procedures. Everybody interested in development of hospitals, health care, technology, administration of modern health care systems and of course surgeons should attend the Healthcare Technology Application conference at Hospital Build 2010, as they have to be part of this development. Without acceptance from the end-user, new technology cannot be implemented.”
The Hospital Build Middle East Exhibition & Congress, an event organised by IIR Middle East Life Sciences Division, will run from 1 – 3 June 2010, at the Dubai International Convention and Exhibition Centre. The three-day event will bring investors, commissioners, backers and managers of
major healthcare building projects together with planning, design, building, operations, management and refurbishment suppliers.
For more information about attending the Healthcare Technology Application conference taking place during Hospital Build Middle East 2010, please call +971 4 336 7334 or visit