MORE elderly people are being dosed up on powerful mood-altering drugs, according to a study that finds use of the drugs in some nursing homes has soared. As police investigate allegations that…
Researchers make key memory cells in lab dish
US researchers have coaxed stem cells into becoming a type of brain cell that dies off early in people with Alzheimer’s disease. The new technology would provide a ready supply of cells…
Overweight adolescents may develop weak bones
Overweight adolescents may develop weak bones, besides facing a host of health problems. A study of 143 overweight 14-18-year olds shows those with risk factors such as low levels of HDL (high-density…
Siemens Presents International Survey About Knowledge In Breast Cancer Screening
On behalf of Siemens, the renowned German market research institute Gesellschaft fur Konsumforschung (GfK) surveyed women aged 25 to 65 about the topic of breast cancer screening. The survey mainly addressed the…
BioSante’s Pancreas Cancer Vaccine Shows Survival Increase In Newly Published Study
BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: BPAX) announced publication of results from a Phase II clinical study that show BioSante’s Pancreas Cancer Vaccine increased the median survival of resected pancreatic cancer patients from 15…
NICE Consults On A New Drug To Treat Diabetic Macular Oedema
In draft guidance issued yesterday, NICE has not recommended ranibizumab (Lucentis, Novartis) for treating diabetic macular oedema (DMO). This draft guidance has been issued for consultation. NICE has not yet issued final…
DNA test to detect early bowel cancer could be 1 step closer
A DNA test to detect the early signs of bowel cancer could be one step closer, thanks to a new discovery. Tests on two distinct genes were highly accurate in distinguishing between…
Cell killer enzyme could help cancer treatment
An enzyme that can push cells into committing “suicide” could pave way for improved cancer drugs. The discovery could open the way to better anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory drugs that target the enzyme…
Weight Control Registry Reveals Secrets To Lasting Weight Loss
For the millions of Americans who struggle to lose weight and keep it off, there may be help. According to a report published by the American College of Sports Medicine in the…
Resveratrol May Be Useful Tool For Reducing Body Fat
For her thesis entitled Acido Linoleico Conjugado y Resvetratrol: efecto de estos ingredientes funcionales sobre el metabolismo de los triglicéridos y la adiposidad (Conjugated Linoleic Acid and Resveratrol: the effect of these…
Positive Results From Phase 2 Study Of Atrasentan For Treatment Of Diabetic Kidney Disease
Results from a Phase 2, 8-week dose-ranging study using low doses of atrasentan in patients with diabetic kidney disease were published this week in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology….
Blocking The Bacterial Efflux Pumps In TB Organisms May Reduce Multi-Drug Tolerance, Speed Up Cures
New findings on how tuberculosis (TB) bacteria develop multi-drug tolerance point to ways TB infections might be cured more quickly. The study will be published April 1 in the journal Cell. The…
How Depression And Anxiety Differentially Influence Physical Symptom Reporting
Researchers have for decades hypothesized that negative emotions lead to inflated reports of common physical symptoms, like headaches or an upset stomach. But a new University of Iowa study suggests that two…
Computerized Tomography Scanning Offers New Uses In Oral Surgery Recovery
Computerized tomography (CT) has proved a useful tool in reconstructive dental implant surgery where a bone graft is required. It provides reliable information in diagnosis and treatment planning and has been used…
Potential For Eradicating Pediatric HIV
A clinical study of anti-HIV/AIDS medicines in the developing world is on the verge of turning “the whole treatment world on its head,” according to Dartmouth pediatrician Paul Palumbo. Palumbo, a professor…