An interdisciplinary group of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania has, for the first time, identified the neurological and cellular signaling mechanisms that contribute to satiety – the sensation of feeling full…
Dentists need to take closer look at potential hazards of exposing patients to zinc
Dentists need to take a closer look at potential hazards of exposing patients to zinc, a common ingredient of many dental products, according to a report by Amar Patel, DDS, resident and…
Triptolide isolated from Chinese medicinal plant blocks gene control machinery in cells
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine have discovered that a natural product isolated from a traditional Chinese medicinal plant commonly known as thunder god vine, or lei gong teng, and…
New study finds liver instead of the brain as source of Alzheimer’s plaques
Unexpected results from a Scripps Research Institute and ModGene, LLC study could completely alter scientists’ ideas about Alzheimer’s disease—pointing to the liver instead of the brain as the source of the “amyloid”…
Enhancing function of protein CNT1 increases effectiveness of cancer-killing drugs in pancreatic tumors
New University of Georgia research has identified a protein that can be modified to improve the effectiveness of one of the most common drugs used to treat pancreatic cancer. The research, published…
Executioner enzyme may short circuit second form of cell death
An enzyme viewed as an executioner, because it can push cells to commit suicide, may actually short circuit a second form of cell death, researchers at Emory University School of Medicine have…
Low physical activity increases kidney transplant patients’ likelihood of dying early
Low physical activity increases kidney transplant patients’ likelihood of dying early, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN). The results…
Efficiency of brain function depends on family’s genetic makeup
How well our brain functions is largely based on our family’s genetic makeup, according to a University of Melbourne led study. The study published in the international publication the Journal of Neuroscience…
Talecris granted EU orphan drug designation for Plasmin (human) to treat acute peripheral arterial occlusion
Talecris Biotherapeutics, Inc. (TLCR) announced today that it has been granted orphan drug designation by the European Commission for the development of Plasmin (human) to treat acute peripheral arterial occlusion (aPAO). Talecris…
BioSante vaccine increases median survival of resected pancreatic cancer patients
BioSante Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: BPAX) today announced publication of results from a Phase II clinical study that show BioSante’s Pancreas Cancer Vaccine increased the median survival of resected pancreatic cancer patients from…
Lactate plays critical role in formation of long-term memory
Researchers from Mount Sinai School of Medicine have found that lactate, a type of energy fuel in the brain, plays a critical role in the formation of long-term memory. These findings have…
New study: Depression and anxiety may influence physical symptoms
Researchers have for decades hypothesized that negative emotions lead to inflated reports of common physical symptoms, like headaches or an upset stomach. But a new University of Iowa study suggests that two…
Springtime may cause or worsen dry eye condition
Springtime may be just what the doctor orders for individuals suffering from dry eye condition, a disorder resulting from insufficient tear production or altered tear film composition. According to a study published…
Nevirapine achieves 75% reduction in HIV transmission risk from mother to breastfeeding infants
Giving breastfeeding infants of HIV-infected mothers a daily dose of the antiretroviral drug nevirapine for six months halved the risk of HIV transmission to the infants at age 6 months compared with…
New brain training app can help prevent cognitive decline and dementia
Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast are taking the first step towards discovering the true effectiveness of brain training exercises with the release of their own app aimed at those over 50. The…